Like so many my heroes journey began with a major life earthquake, that left me shaken, stirred and spat out! After 22 years of marriage, I found myself alone with 2 daughters, 3 dogs and no means of supporting myself for the long term. I had been a stay at home mom which I am eternally grateful for as it has provided me with the most loving relationship with my daughters and. I had dappled in my own massage business for awhile but this played second fiddle to my ex’s career. I was a woman who did not know her own truth, who was completely co-dependent and dependent. I was disconnected from my body, my sensuality as a woman and my greater purpose on this planet. In a nut shell, I learned through my life to play the game, be a good girl, don’t make a scene, sacrifice yourself for others. Well,this left me in a state of anxiety, depression and an auto immune disease of my thyroid.
Fun facts about me:
I am a former marathoner and triathelete. I have been a massage therapist for over 30 years, I am happiest sitting in nature, leaves in my hair, dirt on my body and listening to the songs of mother earth.
My healing began with sitting with plant medicine. I began to get clearer on my vision and my truth. The veils that had blinded me to my authentic self began to move away. Doors opened and I followed my intuition. I was led to Layla Martins’ Sex, Love and Relationship coaching. This year program took me to the depths of my being and gave me the permission to feel all the things that I had been avoiding in my life, Trauma was released, ancestorial healing was done and I came back into my body. My closed off heart opened to self love and acceptance. I learned that the power was and had always been in me. My compass is my body. All my answers are within.
This powerful body that creates not only human life but all my dreams is right here for me all the time. All I need to do is feed her well and listen. Through more work with plant medicine and shamanic energy medicine, I learned that I am the Creatrix of my life. That my pleasure is my choice and my birthright. And this is what I convey to my clients. I empower my women to empower themselves through reclaiming their sovereignty over their bodies and the pleasure. By working with me, you will see your life through a clearer, more loving lens. You will release the shame and guilt that has kept your hostage in your own life. Your healing will create a ripple affect for all women to wake up to their intrinsic power.
I believe in a world where people are connected to the natural rhythms and cycles of their bodies and of the Earth. Where women Remember their power, Reclaim their power and Rebirth into the highest version on themselves.
I am done living within boundaries to be accecpted by society. I am wild. I am free. I am me.
Certifications and Qualifications
Certified VITA Coach from Layla Martin
Certified Guided Energy Medicine from The Shamanic Academy
Licensed Massage Therapist
Reiki Practioner
Certified Yoga Teacher
Womb Awakening Facilitator/Yoni Dearmoring
Sex Educator
BS Economics & Finance
Licensed Life, Health and Annuities Agent